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Characterization and Simplification of Optimal Strategies in Positive Stochastic Games (with János Flesch and William Sudderth). Forthcoming in Journal of Applied Probability.

Simplifying Optimal Strategies in Limsup and Liminf Stochastic Games (with János Flesch and William Sudderth). Forthcoming in Discrete Applied Mathematics.
A characterization of subgame-perfect equilibrium plays in Borel games of perfect information (with János Flesch). Mathematics of Operations Research 42 (2017) 1162–1179. pdf
Best Response Cycles in Perfect Information Games (with Jean-Jacques Herings). Mathematics of Operations Research 42 (2017) 427–433. pdf
Sporadic Overtaking Optimality in Markov Decision Problems (with János Flesch and Eilon Solan). Dynamic Games and Applications 7 (2017) 212–228. pdf
A One-period Memory Folk Theorem for Multilateral Bargaining Games (with Jean-Jacques Herings and Andrey Meshalkin). Games and Economic Behavior 103 (2017) 185–198. pdf
Doing It Now, Later, or Never (with Kutay Cingiz, János Flesch, and Jean-Jacques Herings). Games and Economic Behavior 97 (2016) 174–185. pdf
Subgame-perfect Epsilon-equilibria in Perfect Information Games with Common Preferences at the Limit (with János Flesch). Mathematics of Operations Research 41 (2016) 1208–1221. pdf
Bargaining under Monotonicity Constraints (with Jean-Jacques Herings). Economic Theory 62 (2016) 221–243. pdf

Subgame-Perfect Epsilon-Equilibria in Perfect Information Games with Sigma-Discrete Discontinuities (with János Flesch) Economic Theory 61 (2016)  479–495. pdf 
Refinements of Subgame-Perfect Epsilon-Equilibrium in Games with Perfect Information
(with János Flesch) International Journal of Game Theory 45 (2016)  523–542. pdf
Delay, Multiplicity, and Non-existence of Equilibrium in Unanimity Bargaining Games (with Volker Britz and Jean-Jacques Herings). Journal of Mathematical Economics 61 (2015), 192–202.
Procedural fairness and redistributive proportional tax (with Jean-Jacques Herings). Economic Theory 59 (2015), 333-354.
Bargaining with Non-Convexities (with Jean-Jacques Herings). Games and Economic Behavior 90 (2015), 151–161.
On the Convergence to the Nash Bargaining Solution for Action-Dependent Bargaining Protocols (with Volker Britz and Jean-Jacques Herings). Games and Economic Behavior 86 (2014), 178–183.
A Bargaining Theory of the Firm (with Volker Britz and Jean-Jacques Herings). Economic Theory 54 (2013), 45-75.
Sequential Share Bargaining (with Jean-Jacques Herings). International Journal of Game Theory 41 (2012), 301-323.
On the Asymptotic Uniqueness of Bargaining Equilibria (with Jean-Jacques Herings). Economics Letters 111 (2011), 243-246.
One-dimensional Bargaining. Games and Economic Behavior 72 (2011), 526-543.
Non-cooperative Support for the Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Solution (with Volker Britz and Jean-Jacques Herings). Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 1951-1967.
One-dimensional Bargaining with Markov Recognition Probabilities (with Jean-Jacques Herings). Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 189-215.
A General Structure Theorem for the Nash Equilibrium Correspondence. Games and Economic Behavior 66 (2009), 950-958.
On the Non-Emptiness of the Fuzzy Core (with Nizar Allouch). International Journal of Game Theory 37 (2008), 203-210.
The Strong Sequential Core for Dynamic Cooperative Games. Games and Economic Behavior 61 (2007), 50-66.
A New Proof of the Index Formula for Incomplete Markets. Journal of Mathematical Economics 42 (2006), 626-635.
Limits to Arbitrage when Market Participation is Restricted (with Thorsten Hens and Jean-Jacques Herings). Journal of Mathematical Economics 42 (2006), 556-564.
The Weak Sequential Core for Two-period Economies (with Jean-Jacques Herings and Andres Perea). International Journal of Game Theory 34 (2006), 55-65.
The Fuzzy Core and the (Π,β)-Balanced Core. Economic Theory 26 (2005), 717-724.
A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Non-Emptiness of the Core of a Non-Transferable Utility Game (with Jean-Jacques Herings). Journal of Economic Theory 116 (2004), 84-92.
The Strong Sequential Core in a Dynamic Exchange Economy (with Jean-Jacques Herings and Hans Peters). Economic Theory 24 (2004), 147-162.
The Strong Sequential Core for Two-period Economies (with Jean-Jacques Herings and Hans Peters). Journal of Mathematical Economics 38 (2002), 465-482.
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